Angular 4: Cannot Instantiate Cyclic Dependency! Injectiontoken_http_interceptors
I know, this question may sound duplicate and I have tried everything found on stackover flow unable to resolve this problem, so please bear with me To make you able to reproduce t
Solution 1:
Cyclic dependency, means circling around endless, like planets orbiting sun..
Answer : Break the dependency chain, Re-factor code.
You have GlobalFunctionService -> PersonService -> so on... -> ResponseInterceptorService -> and back to -> GlobalFunctionService. Cycle complete.
REMOVE the PersonService dependency from GlobalFunctionService. (its not used anyway, if you need it then find different way to get around.)
import { PersonService } from'app/shared/services/api-services/person/person.service';
import { Injectable } from'@angular/core';
import { InputModalComponent } from'app/shared/components/input-modal/input-modal.component';
import { MatDialog } from'@angular/material';
exportclassGlobalFunctionService {
constructor(public dialog: MatDialog
) { }
relogin(): void {
let dialogRef =, {
width: '250px',
data: { title: "Please provide your password to re-login." }
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {
debuggerconsole.log('The dialog was closed');
let password = result;
Solution 2:
Use setTimeout() function in constructor to assign service.
constructor(private injector: Injector) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.loginService = this.injector.get(LoginService);
Try this and revert back if you face any issue.
Solution 3:
You have to modify your response-interceptor.service.ts
import { Injectable,Inject, Injector } from'@angular/core';
constructor( inj: Injector) {
You can get more info From this link
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