How To Use Google-closure-compiler-js For A Node.js App Without Gulp/grunt/webpack?
The docs don't have any examples of using this on its own but they do say this: Unless you're using the Gulp or Webpack plugins, you'll need to specify code via flags. Both jsCode
Solution 1:
Borrowing from icidasset/quotes.
It appears, to me, that path is not intended to be used as you are using it.
, you can construct a virtual filesystem for use with ES6 or CommonJS imports—although for CommonJS, be sure to setprocessCommonJsModules: true
So instead you must expand your own sources, something webpack and gulp must be doing for you when you go that route.
files=['./server/server.js'] => {
constout = compile({
jsCode: [{ src: f.content }],
assumeFunctionWrapper: true,
languageIn: 'ECMASCRIPT5'
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