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Execute A Javascript Function For A Webview From A Javafx Program

I am trying to execute a Javascript function from a Java program. The Javascript function takes the content of a HTML file and highlights the occurrences of a particular word. Is i

Solution 1:

To run javascript in WebView you can use WebEngine.executeScript() method.

And there are plenty of ways to highlight text by javascript. E.g. Highlight word in HTML text (but not markup)

All together:

    finalWebEngineengine= webView.getEngine();

            newChangeListener<State>() {
                @Overridepublicvoidchanged(ObservableValue ov, State oldState, State newState) {
                    if (newState == State.SUCCEEDED) {
                                "function highlightWord(root,word){"
                                + "  textNodesUnder(root).forEach(highlightWords);"
                                + ""
                                + "  function textNodesUnder(root){"
                                + "    var n,a=[],w=document.createTreeWalker(root,NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,null,false);"
                                + "    while(n=w.nextNode()) a.push(n);"
                                + "    return a;"
                                + "  }"
                                + ""
                                + "  function highlightWords(n){"
                                + "    for (var i; (i=n.nodeValue.indexOf(word,i)) > -1; n=after){"
                                + "      var after = n.splitText(i+word.length);"
                                + "      var highlighted = n.splitText(i);"
                                + "      var span = document.createElement('span');"
                                + "'#f00';"
                                + "      span.appendChild(highlighted);"
                                + "      after.parentNode.insertBefore(span,after);"
                                + "    }"
                                + "  }"
                                + "}"
                                + "\n"
                                + "highlightWord(document.body,'function');");

    Scenescene=newScene(webView, 500, 500);

    primaryStage.setTitle("Hello World!");

Solution 2:

You can use ScriptEngine to execute a javascript. initialize ScriptEngine, then load the script in and evaluate it, as shown in below mentioned code

ScriptEngineengine= manager.getEngineByName("JavaScript");  

// JavaScript code in a String  Stringscript="function hello(arg) { print(arg); }";  

// evaluate script  

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