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Transition On Axis -- Losing Grid Lines (ticksize), How To Transition In Correct Order?

I've got a horizontal bar graph with transition on the x-axis. It looks exactly how I want, almost. Sadly, the red gridlines (tickSize(-h)) are in the back. I need to bring them t

Solution 1:

This is because you missed initializing the bars before initializing the axis, you can add init bars code before initAxes() and keep all your other codes no change.

d3.csv("georgia_counties_vmt.csv", function(input) {

  y.domain( { return; }));

  initBars(); // init bars before init axesinitAxes();

}); // close d3.csv ...


// new added function to init barsfunctioninitBars() {
  var bar = svg.selectAll("")
      .attr("class", "bar");

  var barEnter = bar.enter().append("g")
    .attr("class", "bar")
    .attr("transform", function (d) {return"translate(0," + (d.y0 = (y( +")" ;});

    .attr("width", 0)
    .attr("height", y.rangeBand()/2);

enter image description here

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