What Is Required To Convert Threejs Perspective Camera To Orthographic
Solution 1:
Let's assume you have a perspective view with a given vertical field of view angle fov_y
(in degrees) and you know the size of the viewport width
and height
. Furthermore, you have the near
and far
plane. These are the values which you use to setup the THREE.PerspectiveCamera
perspCamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov_y, width / height, near, far );
Also, you know the position of the object and the position of the camera. An object doesn't have only a single position, but you have to choose a representative position for its depth.
First you have to calculate the depth
of the object.
var v3_object = .... // THREE.Vector3 : positon of the objectvar v3_camera = perspCamera.position;
var line_of_sight = new THREE.Vector3();
perspCamera.getWorldDirection( line_of_sight );
var v3_distance = v3_object.clone().sub( v3_camera );
depth = v3_distance.dot( line_of_sight );
Then you have to calculate the "size" of the rectangle which is projected to the viewport at the depth
aspect = width / height;height_ortho = depth * 2 * Math.atan( fov_y*(Math.PI/180) / 2 )
width_ortho = height_ortho * aspect;
With these values the THREE.OrthographicCamera
can be setup like this:
var orthoCamera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(
width_ortho / -2, width_ortho / 2,
height_ortho / 2, height_ortho / -2,
near, far );
orthoCamera.position.copy( perspCamera.position );
The positon and direction of the perspective camera can be committed to the orthographic camera like this:
orthoCamera.position.copy( perspCamera.position );
orthoCamera.quaternion.copy( perspCamera.quaternion );
See also stackoverflow question Three.js - Find the current LookAt of a camera?
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