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Regex - Don't Allow Name To Finish With Hyphen

I'm trying to create a regex using javascript that will allow names like abc-def but will not allow abc- (hyphen is also the only non alpha character allowed) The name has to be a

Solution 1:

You can use a negative lookahead:


Regex101 Example


// Negative lookahead so that it can't end with a -

// The actual string must begin with a letter a-z[a-z]// Any following strings can be a-z or -, there must be at least 1 of these[a-z-]+

let regex = /(?!.*-$)^[a-z][a-z-]+$/i;

let test = [

test.forEach(string => {
  console.log(string, ':', regex.test(string));

Solution 2:

Option 1

This option matches strings that begin and end with a letter and ensures two - are not consecutive so a string like a--a is invalid. To allow this case, see the Option 2.

  • ^ Assert position at the start of the line
  • [a-z]+ Match any lowercase ASCII letter one or more times (with i flag this also matches uppercase variants)
  • (?:-?[a-z]+)+ Match the following one or more times
    • -? Optionally match -
    • [a-z]+ Match any ASCII letter (with i flag)
  • $ Assert position at the end of the line

var a = [
  "aa","a-a","a-a-a","aa-aa-aa","aa-a", // valid"aa-a-","a","a-","-a","a--a"// invalid
var r = /^[a-z]+(?:-?[a-z]+)+$/i

a.forEach(function(s) {
  console.log(`${s}: ${r.test(s)}`)

Option 2

If you want to match strings like a--a then you can instead use the following regex:


var a = [
  "aa","a-a","a-a-a","aa-aa-aa","aa-a","a--a", // valid"aa-a-","a","a-","-a"// invalid
var r = /^[a-z]+[a-z-]*[a-z]+$/i

a.forEach(function(s) {
  console.log(`${s}: ${r.test(s)}`)

Solution 3:

The problem is that the first assertion accepts 2 or more [A-Za-z]. You will need to modify it to accept one or more character:


Edit: solved some commented issues

/^[A-Za-z]+((-[A-Za-z]{1,})+)?$/.test('xggg-dfe'); // Logs true
/^[A-Za-z]+((-[A-Za-z]{1,})+)?$/.test('x-d'); // Logs true
/^[A-Za-z]+((-[A-Za-z]{1,})+)?$/.test('xggg-'); // Logs false

Edit 2: Edited to accept characters only

/^[A-Za-z]+((-[A-Za-z]{1,})+)?$/.test('abc'); // Logs true

Solution 4:

Use this if you want to accept such as A---A as well :


If you don't want to accept such as A---A do this:


So both will accept only word starting from two characters of the pattern [A-Za-z-] and not start or end (?!-|.*-$) (negative lookahead) with - .

Solution 5:

Try this /([a-zA-Z]{1,}-[a-zA-Z]{1,})/g

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