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Javascript Function To Add/remove Fields

I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, but this code was similar to what I was looking for , especially where it includes the 'Remove Field' link. Here is the Javscript functio

Solution 1:

Remove those if(!document.getElementById) and if(document.createElement) conditions. Every browser supports them, and those which not are not worth to be supported (Let them throw their errors).

To add the remove-method to DOM-created elements, just use the onclick property. You can also use standard-compliant addEventListner(), but this needs some workarounds for IE. See sections Legacy Internet Explorer and attachEvent and Older way to register event listeners.

So the code would be

li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ");
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Remove Field")); = "cursor:pointer;color:blue;";
a.onclick = function() {
    // this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode);// nay. we have better references to those objects:

Solution 2:

I'm going to differ with Kappa and encourage you strongly to keep doing what you're doing. JQUery is great for what it is, but it is too often a crutch, and it's so important to know what you're doing and why you're doing it when working with javascript. Especially if you are learning to get a job in the sector, you will need straight JavaScript.

The good news, what you're trying to do is actually quite simple!

var li = document.createElement("li");
    var input = document.createElement("input"); = field+count; = field+count;
    input.type = "text"; //Type of field - can be any valid input type like text,file,checkbox etc.
    //create the removal link
    removalLink = document.createElement('a');
    removalLink.onclick = function(){
    removalText = document.createTextNode('Remove Field');

Here's the code on JSFiddle:

Solution 3:

I strongly suggest you to take a look to jQuery (ora similar: prototype, motools etc..)

They have full featured DOM manipulation functionalities, that makes what you ask as complex as writing 1 line of js.

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