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Replace Text Inside A Div Without Affecting Any Html Tags Inside Of It

I see that this has been asked many times. But, unfortunately I have not come across a straight forward solution. Most solutions revolve around multiple nodes within the div. So he

Solution 1:

Wrap replaceable text with a tag:


Solution 2:

You can access the Text Node itself with contents. Now if you know that the element starts with text you can do this:

$($('.test').contents()[0]).replaceWith('New Text')​;

Now if you didn't know the location in the array of the Text Node, you can filter with:

returnthis.nodeType === 3;

and compare the text values (if you know those).


Solution 3:

if you would add event handler with .live or .on functions (depends on jQuery version) .html('Text2') would work just fine.

Solution 4:

On the assumption that the text to be replaced will always precede the existing span, that it will always be the firstChildand that it will be an unwrapped textNode:

    function() {
        this.firstChild.nodeValue = 'Text2';

JS Fiddle demo.

To ensure that only the first textNode is changed, regardless of where it's found within the .test element:

    function(e) {
        var newText = 'Text2',
            children =;
        for (var i=0,len=children.length;i<len;i++){
            if (children[i].nodeName == '#text'){
                children[i].nodeValue = newText;

JS Fiddle demo.

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