Generic Reading Of Arguments From Multiple Constructor Calls
Solution 1:
Yes, you can create generic wrapper which will add args
property to instance of any passed constructor:
classPlugin {
constructor (arg1, arg2) {
this.arg1 = arg1
this.arg2 = arg2
functionwrapper(initial) {
// Rewrite initial constructor with our functionreturnfunctiondecoratedContructor(...args) {
// Create instance of initial objectconst decorated = newinitial(...args)
// Add some additional properties, methods
decorated.args = [...args]
// Return instantiated and modified objectreturn decorated
const decoratedPlugin = wrapper(Plugin)
const plugin = newdecoratedPlugin('argument', { 'argument2': 1 })
FYI: it's not safe to add properties without some prefix. Consider adding __
or something like this to your property, because you can accidentally rewrite some inner object property.
Solution 2:
I was able to get this working with a modification to @guest271314's suggestion, namely, you need to pass ...initArgs
to super()
, otherwise webpack will fail with a TypeError: Cannot read property '...' of undefined
Also took @terales's point into account about making sure to prefix my additional properties.
const exposeConstructorArgs = (Plugin, ...args) => {
const ExposedPlugin = classextendsPlugin{
constructor(...initArgs) {
this.__initArgs__ = initArgs;
get __initArgs() {
return Reflect.construct(ExposedPlugin, args);
// ...const dllPlugin = exposeConstructorArgs(webpack.DllPlugin, {
name: '[name]',
path: path.join(buildDir, '[name].json'),
// ...const pluginConfig = dllPlugin.__initArgs[0];
Solution 3:
You can use a generic function where class expression
is used within function body. Pass reference to the class
or constructor
and parameters expected to be arguments
within the instance to the function call.
functionPlugin() {}
functionPlugin2() {}
functionPluginWrapper(pluginRef, ...args) {
letMyPlugin = classextends pluginRef {
constructor() {
this.args = [...arguments];
getArgs() {
returnReflect.construct(MyPlugin, args);
const anInstance = PluginWrapper(Plugin, {
a: 'path'
console.log(anInstance.getArgs(), anInstance instanceofPlugin);
const aSecondInstance = PluginWrapper(Plugin2, "arg1", "arg2", {
b: 'anotherPath'
console.log(aSecondInstance.getArgs(), aSecondInstance instanceofPlugin2);
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