Is There An Example Of Setting And Retrieving Settings From A Rally Sdk 2 App?
What does a settings object look like? I can't seem to updateSettings with anything and get something back interesting. I'm printing out this.settings and every time I refresh, i
Solution 1:
Turns out there is a bug in the preview version I was using. And I was trying to pass the wrong kind of preference. Note that preferences are scoped to the App ID and not to the project or workspace. Since it needs the app's ID, it doesn't work when run outside Rally.
The bug is that the updateSettings function is missing a line. You can easily override this by adding the same function to your app definition (isn't it neat that the source is included in the docs?) Just make a function like this:
updateSettings: function(options){{
appID: this.getContext().get('appID'),
settings: options.settings,
success: function(updatedSettings){
Ext.apply(this.settings, updatedSettings);
scope: this
So, then, the preference object should be passed like this:
this.updateSettings( {settings: { test: "blah" ) } } );
Then, when it comes back, the getSetting("test") will give me "blah". (It creates a preference with Name equal to "test", Value equal to "blah" and an AppId equal to the current app.
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