How To Pass Value Javascript Variable To Php?
Passing value JavaScript variable to PHP. Example JavaScript Var ddd='aaaa' PHP if (ddd='aaaa'){do somehting...}
Solution 1:
Javascript is a Client side scripting language that is only executed after the page is fully loaded. PHP on the other hand is an on-demand compiling script. It parses the PHP within the file and outputs the resulting HTML to the user's Browser.
Solution 2:
In JS:
$.post('ajax.php',{'dddd' : dddd}, function(data){
if(isset($_POST['dddd'])) $dddd = $_POST['dddd'];
Solution 3:
One way you can do that is to put it in the cookie:
var ddd = 'aaaa';
document.cookie = "ddd="+ddd; // the ddd in the "" is the name of the cookie
$ddd = $_COOKIE['ddd'];
if (ddd == "aaa") { do something... }
Solution 4:
I have tested the following code and it have worked. So please test this code:
var ddd='aaaa';
window.location.href="newpage.php?Result=" +ddd;
click a button then will call aa()
function and will go newpage.php where we get ddd variable value in Result variable
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