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Check Chai As Promised On Multiple Properties Object

hello I have a method which returns me data along with URL , so return object has url and body as two properties. return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { request(

Solution 1:

Create an object with the expected properties :

const expected = {
    url: "expected url",
    body: "expected body"

Then ensure the result include this properties with :


Solution 2:

First on your problem; the check for body happens on the object url, not on the original object (the chaining is like jQuery chaining), and as the error message says, the string does not have a property of body.

Given that, one solution would be to get the returned object and then do two separate checks:

it('get data from correct url', async () => {
  const res = await httphelper.getWebPageContent(config.WebUrl));


or if you want to stick with chai-as-promised:

it('get data from correct url', async () => {
  const res = httphelper.getWebPageContent(config.WebUrl));

  .then(() => {

Another solution would be to grab the object's keys and then use the members() function to see if the list contains your properties:

it('get data from correct url', async () => {
  const res = await httphelper.getWebPageContent(config.WebUrl));

  expect(Object.keys(res)).to.have.members(['url', 'body']);

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