Call Javascript From Servlet In Java?
Solution 1:
Several things are wrong here:
First, the inclusion of your javascript source is improper, because the javascript must be included (or referenced) always within an HTML file. In your case, instead, you are serving a MP4 file.
If you must absolutely execute that js code (remember that js is always executed in a browser), I suggest you serve an HTML page instead. In this case, the jsfunction.js script must be referenced within the HTML code:
<html><head><scripttype="text/javascript"src="jsfunction.js" /></head><body>
Second: Even if you include the script, you must then invoke your function. You can call it immediately, from a scriptlet, or as a response to some client event (onclick
, onload
, etc).
Solution 2:
javascript plays on client side and Servlet plays on server side. You cannot execute Javascript on serverside. It should execute by browser.
I suggest you to make a javascript call in window onload.
Solution 3:
interface provides the facility of dispatching the request to another resource it may be html
, servlet
or jsp
. But not to JS
. Since JS
always runs in browser itself.
request.setAttribute("filename",filenamehere); //put filename
RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher;
requestDispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/filename.jsp");//dispatch here
requestDispatcher.forward(request, response);
In filename.jsp
String value = (String)request.getAttribute("filename");//getting filename
Do like this. This way we will get the file url.
How to pass response from servlet
to html
Call your servlet
in same html
using ajax
with jquery
In servlet
//getting input from `html` pageStringuserName= request.getParameter("userName").trim();
//now process your request here//forward response to `html` page
response.getWriter().write("your file url");
In html
call this servlet
using ajax
url : 'yourservletaction',
data : {
userName : $('#userName').val()//if you want to send any input do like this
success : function(responseText) {
$('#ajaxGetUserServletResponse').text(responseText);//getting file url as response. so use this url in you js
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