Javascript Check If Div Overlaps Other Div
I can't get my head around this problem, so i hope that you guys can help me fixing it. The thing is that I want to check if an div is overlapping an another div when they are dyna
Solution 1:
I guess there is a typo in your script, since newX2 >= oldX2 || newX2 <= oldX2
is always true :-)
But the condition in order to not have any overlapping is that (I reason on segments since you are dealing axis by axis here) new segment is before the old one :
newX1----------------newX2 oldX1---------------oldX2
or the second one is after first one :
oldX1---------------oldX2 newX1----------------newX2
So the corresponding condition is the following one :
function overlaps() {
var minOldX = Math.min(oldX1, newX1),
maxOldX = Math.max(oldX1, newX1),
minNewX = Math.min(oldX2, newX2),
maxNewX = Math.max(oldX2, newX2);
return (
maxNewX <= minOldX || // <- first case
minNewX >= maxOldX // <- second case
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