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Reject A Promise And Stop Timeout On Socket-io Event

I'm currently using the following function to simulate awaiting (sleep) in my Node.js server script. function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)

Solution 1:

In your case 'break' means 'early resolving', not rejecting. If you calling reject the await statement will throw an error and execution of the async function can be stopped (if try catch block is not used). The code might look a little better::

const CPromise= require("c-promise2");
// cancellable sleep
function sleep(ms, signal) {
    return new CPromise((resolve, reject, {onCancel}) => {
        const timer = setTimeout(resolve, ms);
        onCancel(() => clearTimeout(timer));
    }, {signal}).catch(() => {});

    const sleeper= sleep(30000);
    await sleeper;


const abortController= new CPromise.AbortController();

    await sleep(30000, abortController.signal);


Solution 2:

I would be tempted to wrap this in a class which holds the state of both the timerId and the reject of the returned Promise and use them within a cancel method.

The below demonstrates this:

class Sleeper
     return  new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
        this.reject = reject;
        this.t = setTimeout(resolve,ms);
var sleep = new Sleeper();

async function test(){
    await sleep.wait(5000);
    console.log("cancelled:", e);

document.querySelector("#cancel").addEventListener("click", () => {
   sleep.cancel("cancel button pressed");

<button id="cancel">Cancel</button>

I've added the ability to pass a cancel reason, might be useful.

In your code that would look like:

var sleeper = new Sleeper();

  sleeper.cancel(); // pass a reason if you wanted.

// your code
await sleeper.wait(20000);

Solution 3:

I'm not really sure why this works, but I thought to note down what made it work.

Everything was solved when I used resolve instead of reject as follows.

function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) => {
    var t = setTimeout(resolve, ms)
    // add the function as a "meetings" object property value
    meetings[endSleep] = function(){

If someone can explain why it works this way, please feel free to edit this answer.

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