How To Change Calendar's Start Date Layout From Sunday To Monday?
Solution 1:
I went through the codepen you attached and went through every part in the code where Sunday is mentioned and modified it to become this:
Here are the changes that I did:
I'll explain why I did each change, this is taking me back to my college days where I have to explain my code so bear with me:
this.DaysOfWeek = [
That's the header row's title in the calendar, that's simply text no logic changes there
2: firstDayOfMonth = 6
Your first day of the month is now Monday and not Sunday, you can also write , firstDayOfMonth = new Date(y, m, 7).getDay()
to get the same result but I think the first one makes it a bit clearer to the reader as we'll always be getting 6
3: if ( dow == 1 ) {
start a new row on Monday instead of Sunday
4: if ( dow == 0 ) {
close the row on Sunday instead of Saturday
5: for(dow; dow < 7; dow++) {
next month's "not-current" numbers can go up to Sunday so we need an extra iteration there (There might be a better way to do that without increasing iterations but I'm too lazy to figure it out now)
It mostly is a concept of "try to change something and see what happens" kind of method to get there, so what I did was go over each area where I suspect Sunday is affecting the code and tried to change it to see what happens.
Let me know in the comments if that doesn't make enough sense.
Solution 2:
Check out this code from Nikhil Talreja. It should give you a good idea as to how to get the calendar working with Monday as a start date. Also, check out the similar question.
Essentially, he uses some for loops and labels, such that:
cal_days_labels = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat','Sun'];
for (var j = 1; j <= 7; j++)
The project is similar to yours I would imagine, so hopefully this helps.
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